With monsoon, comes your son/daughter’s new academic year and with that comes a long list of important activities and responsibilities. And stationery shopping is one of the most recurring activities among all of them. But how to get the right set of stationeries?
A good shopping not starts first with the list, it starts with a good shop! Yes, identify the most happening stationery shop near you that offers latest products with high quality and interesting features.
When it is for kids, then why not to buy them along with kids! Take them along and let the feeling of self-responsibly gets imbibed within them from the day 1 itself.
Make sure whichever stationery product you but it contains either your son/daughter’s favorite color/cartoon character to make it really happening for them. This one simple effort keeps them motivated throughout and develops interest within them to read, write and study.
THE RIGHT CHOICE! - How to choose? What to choose?
If the kid is quite young, you can allow her/him to practice handwriting with a pencil. And if the kid is a bit elder, he/she can go ahead practicing handwriting with a pen. Now, for the younger kids, the selection of pencil is really important. First of all, the pencil should be with a dark lead. And the tip of the pencil should be well-sharpened. Many of the students seen continue writing with small pencils. It’s a wrong practice. Once the length of the pencil reaches about sixty percent of the new pencil, one should stop writing with the same and instead continue writing with another freshly sharpened pencil. Continuing writing with smaller pencils can cause bad handwriting results.
And for the elderly kids, gel pen is a big yes-yes. Its excellent fluency adds in totally to improve their handwriting speed. Although, the modern duo avatar of “pen-pencil” is a big no-no; as it reduces the stability and not apt for maintaining a good and impressive handwriting.
Choose longer and wider ones with good thick quality papers
A broader and thicker model (preferably made of acrylic) provides student with a better hold & grip
(As an exception to point no. 3 above) Avoid buying colorful erasers, and buy regular white semi-soft erasers preferably with a longer size as it provides good grip to hold.
Once your son/daughter starts getting inclined towards art, then obviously they will need a set of stationery items to execute their lil dreams on canvas. Just take them along to shop or if you’re planning to do online shopping make them participate in it. Let them decide what to buy and what not to buy; this will guide them towards right decision making & provoke them to be self-responsible.