Long term drawing classes – perfectly structured artistic education for aspiring professional artists

Once you realise the importance of art, it’s essential to take the structured, long term artistic education in form of fulltime drawing classes/courses.At lil-Brahmas, We provide Drawing classes in Chennai for both kids & Adults. we have various levels of professional art education (Drawing, Painting & much more),start from ‘dot’ and ‘detail’ them in all aspects of drawing principles technically. Thats why we call this course as DTD – Dot To Detail!. Technical details start from the fundamentals of drawing like lines, shapes, size, proportion, angle, perspective, symmetry, 2D and 3D, composing and framing etc.. The same subject dealt to all age categories with appropriate terminologies which suits them. Also interesting craft sessions for each and every class are integrated in order to stimulate the students’ interest towards art and creativity.

A lil-Note: Age is not the only factor to choose the most apt drawing courses/classes. Sometimes, skillset may overcome the age factor based on student’s interest and inclination towards creativity.

Little Fingers (LF)
Two 1-hour session/week
drawing courses in chennai for kids
What is the Age Group?

3.5 years to 7 years - There are various levels within this age group itself based on student’s improvement on basic skill set for drawing.

How’s this drawing course/class structured like?

It’s an intriguing process where you see young ones developing artistic skills quickly. Through this well-structured drawing classes/ course, we help them develop their research skills, and establish a strong fundamental base for drawing. This develops a keen sense of visual memory, which in return helps them understand that all objects/creatures are made of shapes. We literally unfold and explore the world of art . We develop their hand-eye coordination. Before teaching them how to draw , we train them to attain stability & handling like pencil holding, sitting position, proper support, neatness and more.

Intermediate Tweenies (IM)
One 2-hour session/week
drawing courses near me in chennai
What is the Age Group?

8 years to 12 years - There are various levels within this age group itself based on student’s improvement on basic skillset for drawing

How’s Our drawing course/class in Chennai structured like?

This is the age group that needs most help. This is when the learning becomes slightly intense. And the kids are working hard in school trying to cram their brains with a ton of new data every day! In this drawing course structure, we strengthen the fundamentals of art and explore more during these drawing classes with an analytical approach. This is the phase when they are showed a learning path, and they start realising their art skills and concentrate on strengthening them.

one 2-hour session/week
drawing courses for adults in chennai
What is the Age Group?

12 years and above - There are various levels within this age group itself based on student’s improvement on basic skillset for drawing. Adults who are not school/college students, professionals, parents, homemakers etc; they too are eligible to join these drawing classes/ courses.

How’s this drawing course/class structured like?

These drawing classes provide you with an array of formal and interactive learning sessions which stimulates logical thinking through science of drawing. It puts you in a space to explore technical details principles of drawing. It proves to be a full-fledged result oriented drawing course with our unique teaching approach.

Our Teaching Approach


We carefully research art and deploy our method of instruction based on international curriculums for all our drawing courses in chennai & also for all other special classes.


We establish and follow a carefully laid out procedure for teaching art and grooming latent creativity.

Uniform Methodology

During our drawing classes in chennai, our art mentors follow a uniform teaching guide to ensure that the training process is not dependent on the mentor, but on the process.

No Batch/Group Teaching. Even though there are multiple drawing students in a class room the teaching will be done individually. All the students will be into different course / Level / Topic.

In case, even if multiple students start with the same course, same level and on the same day, our team makes sure to track their progress reports individually. Their progress will be tracked based on the student skill set and attendance, and not by the days.

Say if a student is on leave, he/she will never miss a class during their drawing course on the particular day, since they have been tracked individually. They will be compensating for the missed class in subsequent drawing classes.

Features & Facilities @ lil-Brahmas

Why Our Drawing Classes In Chennai?

Analysis + Assessment before deciding your course:

Analysis + Assessment before deciding your course: Students for all art courses undergo a small pre-skill assessment. This helps us guide them to the courses best suited to develop their skills. This assessment may take 10 to 15 mins of time.

Stop worrying about how and when:

If drawing is what you seek, then one should not worry about whether timing is right or cost is right. We give plenty of choices for slots, and as each and every individual has their own course structure whether it’s drawing Course or any other course. There are always a number of offers and discounts available. Ask the front desk to be guided to the right representative to know more.

Each and every one matters:

At lil-Brahmas, we don’t do “class style”, forcing all the students to study the same thing. We believe in Individual Teaching and Individual Tracking. Each and every Drawing student, even if they sit in the same class, and are of the same age group, will have separate curriculum.

Comfortable Classes - Happy Students

As we teach innovative drawing classes in chennai,our student learn everything from dot to detail – stability, handling of pencils/tools, seating positions,Drawing principles & much more. All the classes are equipped with AC and CCTV surveillance to ensure a safe and secured learning environment.

We understand how parents need information on a regular basis and we conduct frequent Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) no matter which art course your child takes, whether it’s drawing some other course.

We understand how parents need information on a regular basis and we conduct frequent Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) no matter which courses your child takes.

ISO 9001:2008 certified

We have clear, stated outcome with a quality plan and SOP in place. We have strict controls for quality criteria. We are regularly audited for continuous improvement and PDCA

Points to remember:

How to Enroll

Contact for details

  • An unit of
    lil-Brahmas Creative Educations Pvt Ltd
    22A, Thirumurugan Nagar,
    Porur, Chennai
    Tamilnadu - 600 116
  • Ph: 9444700011 & 22